Rhema Family of Churches
RFC work
Rhema Family churches is an organisation that comprises of more than 70 churches afilliated to the Rhema Group. The logo and branding was developed prior to TwoOneSix coming on board and partnering with RFC to assist in growing the brand and marketing to new potential churches. When our partnership began, their were around 30 churches on board, and in the past 2 years that has grown to over 70 churches, including many churches in Africa and globally. TwoOneSix has provided assistance with Website design and maintenance as well as Social Media management and assistance on certain design projects. We have also provided many branded and signage items, such as Banners, Flags, Signage at events and promotional items such as branded water bottles, pens, mugs, bags and many other items. We continue to partner and work with the organisation to grow their individual churches in terms of their branding and how they market themselves.
Rhema Family Churches
2017 - Present
Graphic Design / Promotional Branding / Web and Social Media / Signage